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New Workshops for 2023

Start your journey to a better tomorrow, today.

Get started with Insights and winning strategies from Minds Tomorrow


Are the current revolutions … REVOLUTIONS?

Who thinks there are revolutions happening in the world today? What about ‘scientific revolutions’ and ‘business revolutions’? Let’s look at the scientific revolutions work of the famous philosopher Thomas S. Kuhn who wrote “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” in 1962!…


Recently, the Australian Government announced changes to the costs of university courses. We have seen in the past that enrolments in higher education and professional development have increased following disruptions such as the GFC. Forbes (April 2020), reports that it…


THE WORLD RIGHT NOW… To describe what is going on in the world right now is a difficult task or it can be simplified to two words: bewildering change. Every person I have spoken with over the past three weeks…

Time Line Therapy Association
The American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
The American Board of Hypnotherapy
The American Board of NLP


"Thank you so much for the last three days. The hypnosis course was more fun, informative and practical than I could have imagined. I came away with complete confidence in starting my own business as a Hypnotherapist. This is due to the excellent “tools” that we were given during the course and the honest feedback when we did inductions. I really loved and appreciated the fact that there were no role plays and all inductions were “real”. Certainly helped with the confidence building."
Lynne Gardner
"I finished my NLP Practioner course with Gina and Glen last week which I have to say was one of my best decisions in life so far. Gina and Glen are great coaches and will work with you in a friendly manner to answer all your questions along the way. After finishing the course I am confident and feel liberated from all my emotions that was holding me back. I have also completed, along with my wife, the Masters with Minds Tomorrow which has enhanced my skills and emotional intelligence. All the best to Gina and Glen and I feel Continue Reading..."
Manoj Sukumaran, Mind Cognizance
"My NLP training with Gina and Glen was awesome. They both patiently answered all my queries and provided real life examples for relevance and more explanation. The energy and passion during the training was amazing. I am glad that I chose to do my NLP training with them. Wishing them more success."
Chitra Manoj, Mind Cognizance
"Dear Gina and Glen I completed my 7 days FasTrakTM Practitioner, 4 certificates in one training yesterday and I must admit this has changed my life for ever. Every day has been a new exciting day to learn more positive resources both for myself and others who cross my path. NLP has equipped me for a richer everyday life, business, career, further studies and more. You two have been outstanding in your way of delivering and educating us (participants). Your friendly, relaxed, non-judgmental and enthusiastic attitude made this journey more enjoyable. You made every single one of us to feel Continue Reading..."
Dr F Seyed
"Doing my Master NLP training was the best choice. I have grown so much from doing this course. It has empowered me to take control of my life and my outcomes. It has given me the confidence and motivation to start my business. It was honestly the best investment I have ever made! Glen and Gina are fabulous trainers, their support is endless. I am so thankful for all the things they have done for me. I can honestly say I am a better man for it."
Gary Greffe
"I have been studying with Minds Tomorrow and have found them to be a great company to work with. Both Gina and Glen are awesome people to be taught by. They are considerate and very thoughtful. I have and continue to learn a lot with them, both in and out of class. They are very conscientious coaches and mentors. Thank you Minds Tomorrow for helping me fulfil my future dreams."
Kerry Reed, Allura Wellness
"Embarking on a personal coaching program with Gina was like coming up for air after some time of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and lacking in clarity about who I am and my purpose. Working with Gina has been an absolute gift – she has challenged me, inspired me and facilitated finding the direction and momentum that is moving me towards my exciting life and career goals. I have clarity on my strengths and gifts, I am focused on my true purpose and I have the skills I need to make a difference in my own life and that of my Continue Reading..."
Business Owner
"Over the last three months Gina has helped me in a number of areas of my life. Most specifically in the area of relationships and being able to identify my values and establishing my boundaries, both with myself and with others. I was oblivious to the way my previous negative thinking would create a whirlwind of self-sabotage, causing me anxiety and unpleasant reactive emotions. With Gina’s guidance I am now able to reflect on cause and effect thinking, and be in control of my circumstances. This has assisted me to be more conscious of my choices, thus helping me create Continue Reading..."
AG Professional Female Client


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