To be yourself and to lead is to be positive and towards what you want, it is surprising how many of us are very clear on what it is we don’t want and usually not in a positive way.
Why would you want to say something that is positive and towards what it is you want? This is easy isn’t it? When you say what it is you want and frame it positively your physiology changes and you activate your RAS (Reticular Activating System), so this has you focusing on what it is you want.
“The brain, it seems, is able to attend to only one set of messages at a time. It can tune into one and only one channel at any particular moment.” (Functions of Reticular Activating System (RAS) | Brain | Neurology. Article Shared by Shristi D – ‘Hernandez Pion and his associates on cats.’)
By focusing on what you want then and in a positive way means that you will have a higher probability of achieving your goal or outcome. By focusing on what it is you don’t want the same principle applies.
So what is it that you are focusing on? Is it what you want or what you don’t want?
“In addition, the RAS system seems to provide some sort of feedback to the sense receptors in the brain. It appears to tell them not to send in any conflicting messages (at least for the moment) and to hold all calls until the brain can get around to handling them. The type of information passing through the sensory gates determines where our attention will be directed.”
So, be clear on what it is you want and then you are able to lead yourself to where you want to go in a positive way, others will naturally follow because you are clear on what it is you want to achieve.
We have helped many clients who were very clear on what it is they don’t want. To succeed it is required that you initiate and maintain the momentum towards what it is you want.
Here is a simple way to change your focus to what it is you do want, ready? Here is an example.
“I don’t want to be poor!” here, you are focusing on being poor, aren’t you? “I want to be abundant!” now, you are focusing on what it is you want. Remember the Reticular Activating System can work for you!
By just changing what you say will affect your emotions and physiology and will provide the motivation towards what it is you want.
You can change your life by completing the 4 in ONE 7 day internationally recognised FasTrak NLP Practitioner course this coming November in Brisbane. This course is definitely a game changer!
Want to know more?
If you want to learn more and develop skills or need a coach to have you achieve what you want in life, contact Glen or Gina at Minds Tomorrow or