Is leadership a skill, a quality or a capability – can it be learned or are we born leaders? What does it take to be a great leader who leads for the right reasons? Some time ago I read Bill George’s book ‘True North’ which is about authentic leadership. What I gleaned from this remarkable book is that we need to get clear about what leadership really is and why leading well and for the right reasons can have a magnificent impact on self, others and the world. By the way, Bill’s personal leadership story is truly inspirational and the book is a must read.
We all have the potential to be a leader and I want to share with you my insight into what I see is the true north about leadership. In the introduction to ‘True North’, Bill George asks the question, ‘What is your True North?’: a great question, isn’t it. Do we go straight to a compass to find the answer or do we dive into our conscious mind to find the answer? What if you got out a pen and paper and started writing all the ways you are a true reflection of what you want as a leader and listed your achievements and the people with whom you co-created the achievements, and then reflected on what you write. Somewhere in amongst all that you write will be a link, perhaps you see the picture clearly or there is a stitched up reason – like your purpose, or you hear it like a symphony in your head, or it is something to do about your inner self and your character. Whatever is the link, you can actually manifest your leadership trueness so that you accentuate your leadership self. Brian Leavy (2016) conveyed in the ‘Strategy and Leadership Journal’ in 2016, that there is a telling difference between high character leaders and self-focused counterparts.
Leavy says that high character leaders are ‘relatively accurate in their self-awareness’. It seems that the high character leaders search for greater self-awareness, are capable of questioning self as well as others and this combination of greater self-awareness and the ability to question further develops these leaders.
Now, coming back to Bill George’s book ‘True North’, it is interesting to bring together the concept of greater self-awareness, the ability to question well and the leadership journey. Bill George accounts in his book that in being self-aware, we will see ourselves as others see us. Is this part of what it means to be true to our leadership? How is being true to our leadership also part of wisdom and giving back?
There is no doubt that while you read this article that you are forming your thoughts about your self-awareness as a leader, your true north as a leader, your self-leadership, and your giving back. It really is great that you are wondering because you can actually take the next step and advance your knowledge, apply your skills and make a difference to yourself and others because of your intention to be a true leader. What if you could manifest better outcomes as a leader or use your great leadership character to become a Coach and lead others who are leaders into the future now?
Let’s talk about how you can release the power of leadership within you and create a better future for yourself and others. Talk with Glen and find out more about your leadership.