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Profit Maximiser Intro Workshop for Small Business Owners (F2F)

Specifically designed to help small business owners to re-focus strategy, mindset and set a plan to direct and achieve profit targets. This 1-day face-to-face workshop starts before you attend through pre-workshop meetings with individual business owners and a pre-workshop preparation…

Demystify and Achieve Your Future – Virtual

Ever wondered how it is that some people achieve their goals all the time? They are not stuck are they? Would you like to achieve that very desire that is deep inside you and know how to achieve what you…

NLP Coaching Techniques for Success (Online)

This is a specialised 2-day intensive online workshop for practising coaches. Best suited to life coaches, generalist coaches and coaches who want to elevate their business using business sustainability and growth actions.

3-Day Hypnosis Certification Training – F2F

Curious about what hypnosis is and how it works? Are you a life coach, counsellor, or work in alternative therapies and want to know more about how hypnosis can value-add to your business? Or maybe you are interested in learning…

Dynamis Woman Retreat

The Dynamis Woman experience is for women who want to focus on their ‘life purpose’ and create the reality that is congruent with their LIFE AMBITION. If you are ready to commit fully to your transformation, then this program is…

Self-Awakenings With Huna (Online)

We invite you to an empowering online workshop* to connect with yourself, uncover the deep energy and potential within you, and learn more about your mind than you ever have before! People ask "What is Huna?" Huna is about growing…

Self-Awakenings With Huna Tamborine Mountain (F2F – 2.5Days)

We invite you to an empowering 2-day workshop* to connect with yourself, uncover the deep energy and potential within you, and learn more about your mind than you ever have before! People ask "What is Huna?" Huna is about growing…

Book an Introduction Session

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