Did you ever experience the impossible becoming possible? Have you heard people say “Oh that is impossible….” And you see it as being possible? Do you wish you could think of making the impossible….possible? Would being able to have a possibility mindset be better for you than the impossibility mindset? I know you are wondering about possible and impossible in your own life… the thing is, if you focus on achieving what is possible, would that be better for you?
Let’s look at this more closely.
Back in the days of the ancient Greek philosophers, Parmenides of Elea wrote that “what is is and what is not cannot be”. What does this mean?
Let’s come back to impossible and possible. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, impossible means an action or an event that is not possible and possible is defined as something that is able to exist or be achieved.
A famous paradox will help us to understand that what is impossible is also possible. Through the work of famous physicists (namely in quantum mechanics) like Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Louis de Broglie, Arthur Compton, Niels Bohr, and many others, scientific theory today holds that all particles exhibit a wave nature and vice versa. Imagine that! Ever looked at starlight at night or the sunlight as it spread across the sky during sunset and marvelled at the stunning mix of warm colours? Are you looking at a wave of light or particles of light? Maybe both? Is it impossible or is it possible?
Did you know that the famous Parthenon that sits atop the Acropolis in Athens, Greece was at first thought an impossibility? How can a superstructure of the time with tonnes of marble for a roof be held in place and not collapse? How did the tonnes of marble make their way up a steep slope to the top of the rocky outcrop anyway? How is it that the structure remains after thousands of years? The impossible became possible because of the mathematical formula – the Golden Ratio, that was applied by the then architects of the Parthenon! So the impossible became possible.
What about you? Have you convinced yourself that something is impossible for some reason? What if that idea or goal you have is really possible and you have yet to unlock your real potential in life? Is your life in conflict – do you say I want this and another part of you says ‘no’? What if what you really want in life is at arm’s reach and you keep turning your back on it telling yourself excuses which are really limiting beliefs….What if you know what the next step is towards your success journey and you are holding yourself back while others make it possible? Are you working towards what you want or away from what you want? What if you just go along in your comfort zone never really fulfilling your life’s ambition? Do you run your own business and it is not performing as well as you would like? Do you want abundance in your life or mediocrity? Do you want the life that is destined to be yours? You have to take action – nothing will happen for you until YOU do.
Want to know how? Take action and join us at the next internationally recognised 7 day ‘four certificates in ONE’ FasTrakTM NLP Practitioner course where you will learn techniques that will definitely change your life and note carefully…either accelerate your success in your current role or give you the tools to start a new career with confidence. Now that is something you do want!
Contact Gina Palmer to register for the course and receive your complementary coaching session in advance of the course.
Some benefits for you include:
- Complementary pre course coaching session
- Post course lifelong support
- Graduate membership of the Minds Tomorrow Roundtable
- Globally recognised course
- You will work with two internationally qualified Master NLP Coaches and qualified trainers of NLP, Time Line TherapyR and Hypnosis
- Tools to change your life yourself
- Skills to start your own coaching business
- Membership of the American Board of NLP and Hypnotherapy
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