Media release
“Minds Tomorrow is launching a new initiative to help combat the growth of obesity in Australia and the world. Sadly, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that obesity has reached global epidemic proportions with around 2.8 million people dying each year from being either overweight or obese. Obesity is not just a problem in the developed countries anymore – it is a problem everywhere. Should we care? Yes. And here’s why.
WHO defines overweight and obesity as being “abnormal and excessive fat accumulation that may impair health”. Minds Tomorrow team Gina and Glen Palmer said “Research is showing that consuming low-nutrient, energy-dense foods, and drinks, not doing enough physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, and insufficient sleep can result in weight gain, leading to overweight and obesity. A person’s appetite, satiety, metabolism, and body fat distribution can also contribute to overweight and obesity, and this might be influenced by their genetics and epigenetic changes (NHMRC 2013b).”
“Sadly, some people think it is easier to go with the flow and believe that being overweight is the status quo, and we know that it is not. I remember my grandparents and great grandparents lived different lives and were more active every day so obesity and overweight issues were not the norm back then. People have choices and it depends what choice they make and what information they use to make the right choice for long-term health” said Glen Palmer
“You will see us soon in our little car called the “Mini Fat Loss Program” and with local government support we can run sessions at council libraries for the community. This initiative is because we truly believe that we (that’s all of us) can turn the obesity/overweight tide and this can start locally with your participation. So, get on board and come and say hello to us when you see us stopped at various local venues. We are passionate about living!”
More information contact Gina Palmer +61 481012856 or email