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Demystify and Achieve Your Future

Ever wondered how it is that some people achieve their goals all the time? They are not stuck are they? Would you like to achieve that very desire that is deep inside you and know how to achieve what you want into the future – successfully?

Remember the last time you dreamed about how you would live your life? You had ideas about goals – what happened to those goals – did you achieve all of them successfully? Did you take action or did life get in the way and you dropped your goal?  And what happened? Did your dream and goals fade away? Do you wonder “What if I achieved those goals?”

What would it mean to you to change things in your life, to know your boundaries, to eliminate whatever is holding you back, to regain your zest for life? Spring out of bed in the morning and be who you really want to be? It’s possible… and here’s how!…

What you’ll learn

In just two days, the ‘Demystify and Achieve Your Future’ workshop will give you the skills you need to reorganise your thinking and your beliefs and get your dreams back on track so that you can achieve your destiny. Whether you are wanting to achieve growth in your business, refocus your career, be entrepreneurial, redefine your health, or strengthen your relationships, we will work with you and help you move forward with the life you want.

Did you know that Stanford University scientists have found that the brain can reorganise itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Scientific American Journal (2011) reported that our brain has around 100 trillion connections. This means we all have the ability to reorganise our brain and focus on creating and living the life we deserve. And that includes you! Time to start is NOW!

Are you interested to learn and take action?

The two days course covers several key topics including how to: get clear on what you want to accomplish; choose what is important so that you can achieve your purpose; eliminate the major negative thoughts affecting your success; master personal changes in a realistic way so that you are always self-directed.

This course will include practical activities, Q&A, and short breaks.

Who will benefit from participating in this workshop?

Anyone who is serious about transforming their lives and are ready to give their best! We have worked with counsellors, health professionals, small business owners, career changers, mums and dads, teachers, authors, managers, lawyers, alternative health therapists, and teenagers.

Course Dates

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Want to get started?

Your investment: $189 per person

F2F workshops have limited seats available. To enrol, email gina@mindstomorrow.com.au

$AUD 189.00


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