The Obesity Issue
Every day we hear or read about the obesity issue in Australia. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, carrying too much weight is a known risk factor for a range of serious diseases including Type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately the rates of obesity and overweight are rising in Australia. The statistics are significantly alarming: around 63% or almost 2 in 3 Australian adults are obese or overweight and 1 in 4 children are obese or overweight. This is concerning because questions are constantly being asked about the future of these people and how will the health system cope with the ongoing obesity issue. In some articles this issue is referred to as an ‘epidemic’.
Focused Action
We can either talk about it or take focused action. I often hear people saying that they have tried and tried a range of diets, diet shakes, exercise programs, weight loss bootcamps…. How many people have achieved ongoing success and have not had to keep going back for strict dieting regimes or surgical solutions?
Good nutrition together with being physically active do contribute to a healthy life – do we really need to be excessive about food? Every time we load up the shopping trolley or go to the markets, what are we really thinking about? Are we choosing the right foods for a healthy and long life? Are we exercising regularly? What is stopping us from eating and exercising sensibly? Good questions, right?
Why is Hypnosis successful?
Did you know that hypnosis has been shown to be a successful and non-invasive method for treating obesity? As an example, in 2017, Emeritus Senior Physician KF Jureidini (Renal Unit, Women’s Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide, South Australia, Australia) reported in the ‘Internal Medicine Journal’ (RACP, 47, pp22) that hypnosis can be an alternative to radical surgery. The study showed that obese adults and children were successfully treated with hypnosis. Through reframing, the patients enjoyed the eating sensibly and rejected incorrect food.
The Psychology of Obesity
The psychology of obesity is nothing new and in fact as far back as the 19th century, Professor G. Stanley Hall, who was appointed to the first chair in the new field of psychology (U.S.A.) had conducted research on eating behaviours (C. Swencionis and S.L. Rendell, ‘Journal of Abdominal Imaging’ March, 2012, pp.733-737). In their article ‘The Psychology of Obesity’, Swencionis and Rendell report that patients have used hypnosis to encourage them to correct dysfunctional thoughts, attitudes and beliefs.
Be encouraged to get help to make a difference to your life. Your positive and life strengthening action can include hypnosis.
To learn more about how reframing and hypnosis can help you to take control of your weight so that you can enjoy all that you want now and into the future, contact Glen Palmer and get the solution you want.
Glen Palmer Master Hypnotist and Master of Neuro Linguistic Programming